About the OSG


The mission of the Organology Study Group is to foster discussion and create a scholarly community within the American Musicological Society, bringing together the study of musical instruments with other facets of musicology, and to offer professional and scholarly mentorship opportunities.


  • Lidia Chang, Co-Chair
  • Bobby Giglio, Co-Chair
  • Patrick Dittamo, Secretary



The group shall be known as the Organology Study Group (OSG) of the American Musicological Society (AMS).


The purpose of the OSG is to foster discussion and create a scholarly community within the AMS bringing together the study of musical instruments with other facets of musicology, and to offer professional and scholarly mentorship opportunities.


Membership in the OSG is open to anyone who requests it, through attendance at the business meeting or other means such as joining the mailing list. All members are strongly encouraged to maintain AMS membership in good standing. The Officers of the OSG will maintain a roster of current members.


The Officers of the OSG shall be three (3): two Co-Chairs and Secretary; additional Officers may be created by amending the by-laws. Officers must be current members of the OSG and the American Musicological Society at the time of their election and must remain members throughout their terms as officers.

Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs shall act as the executive officers of the OSG, presiding over all meetings of the members and having general management of the affairs of the OSG, including the power to enforce all orders and resolutions passed by the members, and creating ad hoc committees as needed (per Article V). Other duties may from time to time be delegated to the Co-Chairs by standing or ad hoc committees.

Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the business meetings, and administer balloting and elections. Other duties may be assigned to the Secretary by the Co-Chairs or by standing and ad hoc committees of the OSG. 

Terms of Office. Officers shall serve two-year terms and are eligible for re-election once. The Co-Chairs’ terms shall be staggered. No individual may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Nominations. The Co-Chairs will issue a call for nominations and the Secretary will accept nominations and self-nominations.

Elections. Elections will be held virtually and the results of the elections will be announced by the OSG Officers.


Standing and ad-hoc committees of the OSG  may be proposed by the Officers and created by a majority vote at the business meeting. Ad hoc committees may also be created by the Co-Chairs when a need arises. The Co-Chairs shall appoint members of the committees and designate a Committee Chair. Committees shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members. The terms of all committee members shall be one year and may be renewed two times. All committee terms shall begin and end at the annual business meeting.

Program Committee. The Program Committee (PC) will consist of three (3) members appointed annually by the Co-Chairs. After the Co-Chairs determine the format of the OSG Session activities for each AMS Annual Conference, the PC will be responsible for programming said Session. The PC will write and distribute the annual call for proposals, evaluate the proposals, and make final programming recommendations to the Co-Chairs.

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